British Dressage

Addington Equestrian Centre Premier League

Friday, 26 April 2024 to Sunday, 28 April 2024

Event status:


Class range:

N-AM + FEI PSG-FEI GPQ + Music + YH + Pony + YP + YR + JR + FEI



Close entries:

Friday, 12 April 2024, 23:59

Class Sponsor Test Qualifier Sections Fee Prizes
Friday, 26 April 2024
1 Bret Willson Dressage International Premier League Advanced Medium 96 2011 - S Q G £45.00 £50.00, £45.00, £45.00
2 Fairfax Saddles Premier League FEI Prix St-Georges 2022 - S Q/DQ G £55.00 £150.00, £100.00, £55.00
3 Saracen Horse Feeds Premier League FEI Intermediate I 2022 - S Q/DQ G £55.00 £150.00, £100.00, £55.00
4 LeMieux Premier League FEI Grand Prix 2022 DQ G £60.00 £200.00, £150.00, £100.00
5 Premier League FEI Grand Prix 16-25 2022 G £60.00 £200.00, £150.00, £100.00
6 British Dressage International Young Horse FEI Young Horse Preliminary 5y 2022 G £45.00 £50.00, £45.00, £45.00
7 British Dressage International Young Horse FEI Young Horse Preliminary 6y 2022 G £45.00 £50.00, £45.00, £45.00
8 British Dressage International Young Horse FEI Young Horse Preliminary 7y 2022 G £45.00 £50.00, £45.00, £45.00
Saturday, 27 April 2024
9 Saracen Horse Feeds Premier League FEI Intermediate I 2022 - S Q/DQ G £55.00 £150.00, £100.00, £55.00
10 Fairfax Saddles Premier League FEI Prix St-Georges 2022 - S Q/DQ G £55.00 £150.00, £100.00, £55.00
11 FEI Pony Individual Competition 2022 G £45.00 £50.00, £45.00, £45.00
12 FEI Children on Horses Individual Test 2022 G £45.00 £50.00, £45.00, £45.00
13 FEI Junior Individual Competition 2022 G £45.00 £50.00, £45.00, £45.00
14 FEI Young Riders Individual Competition 2022 G £45.00 £50.00, £45.00, £45.00
15 KBIS British Dressage Young Horse British Dressage National 7 yr old Test 2023 G £30.00 £35.00, £20.00, £10.00
16 Premier League Freestyle Music Advanced Medium 2016 - S G £45.00 £50.00, £45.00, £45.00
17 Premier League Freestyle Music Prix St Georges/Young Rider 2022 - S G £55.00 £60.00, £45.00, £45.00
18 Premier League Freestyle Music Intermediate I 2022 - S G £55.00 £60.00, £45.00, £45.00
19 LeMieux Premier League FEI FSM Grand Prix 2022 G £60.00 £65.00, £45.00, £45.00
Sunday, 28 April 2024
20 Fairfax Saddles Premier League FEI Prix St-Georges 2022 - S Q/DQ G £55.00 £150.00, £100.00, £55.00
21 Stubben Premier League FEI Intermediate II 2022 DQ G £60.00 £200.00, £150.00, £100.00
22 FEI Pony Team Competition 2022 G £45.00 £50.00, £45.00, £45.00
23 FEI Children on Horses Team Test 2022 G £45.00 £50.00, £45.00, £45.00
24 FEI Junior Team Competition 2022 G £45.00 £50.00, £45.00, £45.00
25 FEI Young Riders Team Competition 2022 G £45.00 £50.00, £45.00, £45.00
26 Bret Willson Dressage International Premier League Advanced Medium 98 2002 - S Q/DQ G £45.00 £50.00, £45.00, £45.00
27 Saracen Horse Feeds Premier League FEI Intermediate I 2022 - S Q/DQ G £55.00 £150.00, £100.00, £55.00
28 KBIS British Dressage Young Horse British Dressage Young Horse Commanded Route Plan 4YO 2018 G £30.00 £35.00, £20.00, £10.00
29 KBIS British Dressage Young Horse British Dressage Young Horse Commanded Route Plan 5YO 2018 G £30.00 £35.00, £20.00, £10.00
30 KBIS British Dressage Young Horse British Dressage Young Horse Commanded Route Plan 6YO 2018 G £30.00 £35.00, £20.00, £10.00
31 KBIS British Dressage Young Pony British Dressage Young Pony Commanded Route Plan 4YO 2018 G £30.00 £35.00, £20.00, £10.00
32 KBIS British Dressage Young Pony British Dressage Young Pony Commanded Route Plan 5YO 2018 G £30.00 £35.00, £20.00, £10.00
33 KBIS British Dressage Young Pony British Dressage Young Pony Commanded Route Plan 6YO 2018 G £30.00 £35.00, £20.00, £10.00
Regional Development Officer:
Katharine Perry / Sharon Walker


Alan Beaumont


Amanda Hitchcox



Addington Equestrian Centre

Addington, Buckinghamshire, MK18 2JR, United Kingdom
Phone: 01280 416469
Addington Manor is clearly signed off the A413 Buckingham to Winslow Road. Stabling can be booked via the Equipe entry system Refunds will be made in line with BD Rule 66 Prize Money will be paid directly after the show via bank transfer. Please ensure you have put your bank details on your booking Dogs are allowed on site but must be on a lead and are not allowed in competition arenas or indoors Privacy Policy – BD reserves the right to film, live stream or photograph events for educational purposes. If you do not wish to be filmed, please contact the organiser.

Other details:


Addington, Buckinghamshire, MK18 2JR

Further Information:

1) The Organiser referred to in these Rules and Conditions shall hereinafter mean Addington Equestrian Ltd, Addington Equestrian will hereinafter be referred to as The Show.

2) So far as permitted by law the Organiser, its officers, employees and representatives will not be liable to any person whosoever whilst upon, entering, or leaving the Showground for any loss,

damage, death injury or accident to persons or property or for lost or stolen items.

3) Each Exhibitor must keep the Organiser its officers, employees and representatives fully indemnified against all losses, actions, costs, claims, demands and expenses arising directly or indirectly out of any act, omission or negligence by him or by any one attending the Show, in connection with his entry or otherwise expressly or impliedly with his authority. Therefore, all Exhibitors, Competitors and Owners are strongly advised to take out third-party liability insurance. The Organiser cannot advise on policies or their suitability and it is the individuals responsibility to obtain advice wherever necessary. Exhibitors, Owners and Competitors are personally responsible for ensuring that they take all necessary measures with regard to health and safety. The attention of exhibitors with stallions is drawn to BS Rule 82.21. No member of the BS/BD shall allow a stallion for which he is responsible, as owner, lessee, authorised agent, or rider to attend a show, compete or be prepared to compete, in any show jumping competition without taking adequate precautions to ensure other horses/ponies, competitors and members of the public are not put at risk of injury.

4) The Organisers reserve the right to cancel, add to, or amend any of the Classes in accordance with BS/BD rules.

5) Signature by the person making the entries shall be deemed to be an acceptance of the Conditions herein contained.


This event is organised in accordance with the rules of the British Show Jumping Association, British Dressage and the FEI.


Declarations are required for all classes in all arenas.They should be made not later than 1800 hrs the day before the class.


Are in accordance with BS/BD Rules.


The order of competing for classes in all arenas each day will be published on the website two days before the competition


Objections should be made in writing in accordance with BD rules. A £25 deposit in cash will be required per objection.


All horses at the Show must have a current and valid certificate of vaccination against Equine Influenza. There will be random checking of certificates and any horse or pony found without a valid certificate

will not be permitted to remain on the showground.All competitors (National and International) must have up to date vaccinations as per National/FEI regulations.


Stables may be booked for the duration of the Show. Stables must be booked on the entry system. Competitors wishing to check that their stable reservation has been confirmed should contact the Entries Secretary.


Shavings, fodder, haylage and hay can be purchased on site from Stable Manager.


The stable area will be open from 18:00 on the day before your event.Competitors may not arrive between the hours of 20:00 hrs and 0600 hrs without prior arrangement with the Show.


Prize money will be paid via bank transfer immediately after the show.

16) The Organisers reserve the right to invite riders to compete in championship classes.



Entries close as per date stated on the entries system.

(b) The Show may at its absolute discretion, decline any entry, or exclude or remove any person or animal from the show or future shows or return any entry fee without being required to assign any reason or being liable for any compensation.

(c) In the event that a cheque has to be re-presented to the bank, each time a £15 charge will be added to the riders account.

(d) Entry fees that are not received in full, one week before the event, will be cancelled.


Refunds will only be made in accordance with BD Rule Book and not at all after 12 noon on the Monday prior to the event. Stabling fees will not be refunded.


Exhibitors are required to contribute £5 per day towards medical cover.


The services of a vet & farrier are not available at the show. Owners and/or the person responsible are responsible for any costs incurred.

21) MOTOR BIKES, SCOOTERS & BICYCLES Motorbikes & bicycles WILL NOT BE PERMITTED anywhere on the showground.


Under no circumstances may any horse go on to any other areas of the estate, other than that area designated for the event. Any horse found outside of the designated area will be eliminated from the show.


Trophies may be perpetual, in this case the winner is responsible for their safe return and insurance when in their possession. Trophies should be collected from the Show Office.

24) Electric Hook Up

A limited number of electric hook ups are available. The power source is via a generator. The event will endeavour to provide continuous supply but cannot guarantee this.


1.) A 5mph speed limit will be strictly enforced within the showground.

2) Open fires will not be allowed under any circumstance. Purpose built Barbeques will be allowed under strict supervision.

3) Horses must not be left tethered or unattended whilst out of the stable or transporters under any circumstances.

4) Dogs off leads are strictly forbidden on the show ground.

5) The main fire point is located at the stable managers office.

6) All horses must remain within the designated areas and walkways at all times. It is strictly forbidden to exercise or move horses in any areas other than those designated as walkways, warm up areas or stabling area.

7) The stabling area is designated as a no smoking area.


In the event of a fire:

1) Raise the alarm.

2) The Stable Manager will ensure that the Fire Brigade are notified.

3) Public address announcements will give clear evacuation announcements.

4) Stewards will assist the security and event managers in crowd control.

5) The show director will co-ordinate and evaluate the situation.

6) The show director will liaise with the Fire Brigade on their arrival.

7) Follow instructions from the Senior Fire Officer present.

Declarations must be made for all classes in all arenas by 1800 hrs on the day before the class. Drawn orders can be viewed online , the Equipe Appor the secretarys office.Drawn orders will not be available before 6pm the day before the class.

Privacy Policy: British Dressage have authorised professional photographers and production companies to take photos, film, and live stream at our events. British Dressage reserve the right to use these photographs and video footage for training and educational purposes, to promote future events and to further the charitys objectives. No other individuals are permitted to photograph or film the event for commercial or promotional use, without the express written permission of British Dressage. Any person who does not wish to be photographed or filmed at an event must inform British Dressage in advance or notify the event organiser immediately upon arrival.

Please see our privacy policy at you require any further information or have any queries concerning our use of such footage.

Starting times:

Tuesday, 23 April 2024, 10:00

Times url:

Stabling available:


Refreshments available:
